Top 10 Sustainable Lifestyle And Green Living Tips For Families

Top 10 Sustainable Lifestyle And Green Living Tips For Families

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By: Stefanie Lemcke

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Top 10 Sustainable Lifestyle And Green Living Tips For Families

Mom and child walking on sidewalk

Most families want to make environmentally-friendly choices, but they don’t know how. Sometimes parents worry that their family won’t be able to make sustainable choices, or they fear their green living won’t make much of a difference anyway. Sustainable living doesn’t have to be overwhelming; making a few small changes in your family’s lifestyle will make a big impact on your family’s carbon footprint.

Ultimately, sustainable living simply means making choices and developing habits that are good for the environment. By making intentional choices that are earth-friendly, your goal is to lower your family’s carbon footprint. To motivate yourself and your family, use Ecological Footprint to determine your carbon footprint. Then, use the following green living tips to reduce your carbon footprint.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

As you consider a sustainable lifestyle, the most important thing to remember when making choices is the 3 R’s – reduce, reuse, recycle. Your goal should be to reduce waste by making earth-conscious decisions. Similarly, you should choose to reuse items rather than buy something new, and you should recycle whenever and however possible. The 3 R’s are a great guide for making environmentally-friendly decisions for your family.

10 Sustainable Lifestyle Tips for Families

  1. Conserve energy. Teach your children to turn off lights and electronics when not in use. Make it a habit to use natural light in your home as often as possible. You can also conserve energy by wearing extra clothing layers before you turn the heat on.
  2. Purchase a travel mug and a travel water bottle. Invest in reusable drink containers instead of buying plastic water bottles that will end up in landfills. When you purchase coffee, use your own refillable mug. Some coffee shops, such as Starbucks, even offer a discount for doing so!
  3. Reduce your carbon footprint. Vehicle emissions cause major damage to the environment. Therefore, look for opportunities to walk or bike when possible. When you do need a vehicle, carpool. GoKid is not only a parent-friendly time saver, but it is also earth-friendly as GoKid measures miles saved and CO2 reduced: GoKid users have already saved 2,702 tons of CO2.
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  4. Grow your own food. Creating a family garden will be well worth it. Not only will you have fun, but your children will also learn the value of growing their own food. When shopping for groceries, buy local food to support your local farming community and avoid shipping.
  5. Eliminate unnecessary mail. According to EarthTalk, “The average American receives 16 pieces each week. While this might not seem like much, it adds up to weigh an estimated 41 pounds each year.” Instead of accumulating 41 pounds of waste for no reason, eliminate junk mail and opt for electronic billing.
  6. Upgrade your lights. If you have not already upgraded your home with LED lights, the time is now. LED lights use less energy, which means they demand less from power plants. Hence, they are better for the environment.
  7. Conserve water. Talk to your children about the importance of conserving water and make it part of your family’s lifestyle. For instance, teach them not to waste water by turning the water off while they brush their teeth or by taking shorter showers. Turn it into a family competition to see who can take the fastest shower.
  8. Avoid disposable, single-use items. When you shop, avoid making the easy, convenient choice at the moment, which will have longer-lasting impacts on the environment. For instance, avoid plastic bags and take your own reusable bags. Stores like Whole Foods encourage consumers by not providing plastic bags. Additionally, avoid purchasing items that are designed for single use only, such as fruit snacks and juice boxes. Instead, buy in bulk and use your own reusable containers.
  9. Shop for clothes responsibly. As a family, choose to purchase durable clothing from sustainable sources. For example, Patagonia has a “buy back” policy known as the Worn Wear Program. Or, choose to shop second-hand at thrift stores.
  10. Recycle as a family. Make recycling a family habit. Set up a family recycling station in your home and teach your children how to identify recycling symbols. Starting to compost will help your kids learn about plants and biology as a plus!

For more sustainable living suggestions, check out:

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