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Parenting in 2019 – Top 5 New Year’s Resolutions for a Sane and Happy Family Life

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By: Stefanie Lemcke

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Parenting in 2019 – Top 5 New Year’s Resolutions for a Sane and Happy Family Life

Whether you are someone who dreads making New Year’s resolutions or someone who savors the opportunity to do more and do better, the start of 2019 is the perfect time to reflect. If you are like many parents in the US, you feel busy, overwhelmed, and stressed. Today, we\’re sharing some of our best parenting advice to change your family life from frantic to fun.

Be Part of the 20%

According to statistics, 80% of people will not stick to their resolutions past six weeks (or mid-way through February). With the high number of individuals who seem to be failing at resolution-making and resolution-keeping, it is not surprising that there have been studies conducted to review why. One scientific study “found that participants believe that both enjoyment and importance are significant factors in whether they stick to their resolutions.”

So, what does this mean for you? First, make realistic resolutions. Next, make resolutions that are important to you and resolutions that will bring enjoyment. When it comes to parenting, this means resolving to make little changes that will have big long-term effects on your sanity and happiness.

New Year Resolutions for Parents for a Sane and Happy Family Life

To help you get started on making 2019 the best year for your family yet, we’re listing a few realistic resolutions that can make a big difference.

Look for Ways to Simplify

Often, the simplest, smallest changes make the biggest changes. For example, if you feel like your life is spent in the car driving your kids from here to there, it is time to sign up for GoKid and share the carpooling load with other parents. You will be amazed at how much more time you have available to do everything else on your busy schedule.

Make the Kids Clean When You Clean

A major reason parents feel crazy is that their home feels chaotic. If you feel like you can never get on top of your kids’ messes, it is time for a change. Start small by simply making it a rule that if mom or dad is cleaning, the kids need to clean something too.

Unplug Regularly

Unfortunately, many people turn to their phones when they are feeling overwhelmed. Staring at the screens seems to have a lulling effect. However, it is actually doing just the opposite. Therefore, make efforts to unplug regularly. Download the phone usage app Moment which helps you measure your phone usage, and your family’s usage, and allows you to set screen time limits.

When You’re Together, Be Together

Parents have so much on their plates, but it is so important to prioritize the time you spend with your family. If you want your family life to be fun, happy, and fulfilling, then you need to do things together. When you are together, be together – not on your different devices or in different rooms. Make a point to do things as a family regularly. Play together, read together, laugh together, work together – just be together.

Practice Self-Care

Finally, make 2019 the year you take care of yourself. To be a healthy parent for your children, you must take care of yourself. What does this look like to you?

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